Many say the word “entrepreneur” derives from French, meaning “adventurer”. Upon beginning my journey as an entrepreneur, I always found this fact fascinating because I believe adventure is how people rise. As a kid I read many biographies about the most successful people in the world, and discovered a common train among them all – they were all seeking adventure, something risky and unknown. Each of those individuals took something that was untouched and made their life’s goal to change it.
The more experienced you become in business you find that little to nothing has changed, there are still many areas in our lives that are left unattended and people are afraid to take upon the adventure of changing them. When we notice problems in a certain area of our life (not necessarily big problems but just enough to make our life harder) we tend to let it go and avoid the risk of making a change. We are living in times where innovation exists to make our lives more comfortable. We have the means and the knowledge to tackle many aspects of our lives that are still unattended.
When you do have that idea – an idea that will tackle an untouched problem – take time to form it in your mind, detailing the sequence of actions from the problem to the solution. Once you have designed it your head, start putting thoughts on the page and writing out the sequence of thoughts as it formed in your mind, stage by stage, level after level.
Once you have created the written part of the idea, you can start developing the desired tool to bring the idea to life. Most of the times you will need help on aspects you are less familiar with. Don’t be shy, the best things in life were built through teamwork and collaboration. This is our power as human beings, our ability to brainstorm and visualize what is not yet real.
Now allow me to ground you… even though there is an inherent need to solve pain points in every industry, you have to be careful what you pursue. Even though you are an adventurer, you are not suicidal. Most likely the first idea you will have is not going to be the best one or even the one you will pursue. But once you have opened the faucet of ideas, they will flow out of you; and if you are the adventurer you think you are, one of those drops of an idea will become your life’s mission.
When forming your idea, remember that the pain point you are looking to address needs to have a market share. Furthermore, the size of that market will determine how much money you can raise and how long it will take. The market share is more than just money, it is the value of your solutions: the more people you will help, the more chances you have to succeed. Remember one thing – we are here in this world to help one another, the more we help the better.
Once you have identified your market share, problems and solutions, please get up and go after it and build your dream! When you have something special in your hands you will know it with every inch of your being, and then, there will be many other things to learn.